Calicut University B.Sc Computer Science Bsc cs 2 nd sem model examination Question paper
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1. Business rules are enforced on data being stored in a table , are called___________
2. The ___________ constraint can only be applied at column level.
3. The ___________ predicate allows for a comparison of one string value with other string valu, wich is not identical.
4. The________ clause imposes a condition on th GROUPE BY clause.
5. A view that is used to look a table data as well as insert, update and delete table data is called an ___________ view
6. The right that allow the use of some or all oracle resources on the server are called _____.
7. PL/SQL is a_______ language.
8. ___________ is a numeric value or a charecter string used to represent itself.
9. To make change permanent a _______ statement has to be given at the SQL promt.
10. If user defined error condition exists, the call to the user defined exception is made using a _____ statement.
11. A ________ is a statement requesting the retrieval of infiormation.
12. A _________ is an association among several entities.
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13. Explain generic PL/SQL block.
14. What is a parameterized cursor ? Write the syntax for declaring a parameterized cursor.
15. Write a syntax for creating user named Exception handler and describe each term in it.
16. What are the difference betwween procedure angd functions.
17. What is instance and scemas.
18. What is DML ? what are the different types of DML ?
19. What is the entity relatioship model? What are the components used in ER diagram.
20. What is deadblock?
21. Describe ACIDF properties.
Answer any five
22. Describe the varoius control stucture used in PL/SQL.
23. What is the cursor? Explain type of cursors.
24. Whta are the locks? Explain different types of level of locks.
25. What rae the advantages of using a procedure or functions?
26. Whta is the database trigger?
27. What is the data abstacton? Explain its levels.
28. Explain the string operations used in SQL.
Answer any two
29. What is normalization? Explain 1st , 2nd and 3rd normal forms with exsamples.
30. (i) Create the table as described below.
Table name- SALESMAN
Column_name Data type Size
Salesman no Varchar2 6
Sname Varchar2 20
Address Varchar2 30
City Varchar2 20
State Varchar2 20
Pincode Number 8
salary Number 8,2
(ii) Draft the query for the following
a) Delete all salesmen from the salesman table whose salaries are equal to 3500.
b) Set salesman no column salesmen table as there from each sity.
c) Find out how many salesmen are there from each city.
31. Explain the different types of database users. Explain different roles of a DBA.